Congratulations on your recent engagement!
Your wedding day is one of the most important and memorable days of your life. It signifies the beginning of a new and joyful season in your life. We want to help ensure that your new beginning is perfect and symbolic of your future together by providing the perfect way to make your wedding day last forever--Your Wedding Video.
You will relive all the joy and excitement of your wedding day anytime you wish for years to come. You may never again have all your friends and family together having as much fun as you will during your wedding day. This is a wonderful opportunity to have them all on video for yourself and all your family members--even those that have yet to be born.
After planning your wedding for such a long time, the wedding day festivities are over so quickly that most newlyweds don't get to fully enjoy and appreciate it all as it happens. As a matter of fact, the bride is the very last person to come into the ceremony site. She misses everything that happens before she enters. Then again at the reception, the bride and groom are usually the last to enter--often an hour to two hours after the guests arrived. You don't have to miss this much of the wedding day. You can be there through the magic of video.
You may have seen other wedding videos where the poor quality made you doubt if you want to have your wedding professionally videotaped. Let me assure you that you can have a video that looks and sounds as good as your favorite programs on network television.
AV Studio can make a video with beautiful picture and sound that you will truly treasure for the rest of your lives. Years from now you will laugh and cry as you watch your wedding video and see all your closest friends and family members share this most wonderful time in your lives with you.
We at AV Studio would appreciate the opportunity to provide our high quality video services for your upcoming wedding.
As you gather information from different companies keep in mind that while it might sound as though you are getting quotes for the same thing, the quotes are for VERY different products. A one camera video shot with a three chip (3CCD) digital camera from Company A will NOT be the same as a one camera video shot with a three chip (3CCD) digital camera from Company B. This is why you might find some companies charging as much as ten times (or more) as another company for what might SEEM as the same service. IT'S NOT THE SAME SERVICE.
Your minimum requirement for a nice video should be the use of high resolution three-chip (3CCD) digital cameras. This alone doesn't mean the video will be good. But going with less than this is guaranteed to be of low quality. The company you choose should be able to deliver your finished video on DVD as well as Blu-ray disc. In addition, we can deliver in several other formats that you can use online.
When it comes to the videographers working your event, find out how much education they have in video production and broadcasting. Do they continue to take classes, go to seminars, etc? Continuing education is very important in this field as technology changes so rapidly. Also, how many years of experience doing this kind of work do they have? Anyone with less than five years of experience is still just experimenting and getting on-the-job training. This means that their work is not likely to be consistent. They might do a good job on one production and ruin the next production because they don't know how to handle a certain situation.
When you talk to the potential videographers, make sure you feel comfortable talking to them. Will they be nice, approachable, charismatic, and respectful while working for you? They will be a reflection of yourself to those at the event. Their appearance and demeanor is extremely important.
With AV Studio, you will be assured that we will be using the very best equipment and personnel. With over twenty years of experience with private events as well as a college education in TV and Broadcasting, and continuing education through seminars, workshops, numerous trade associations, and other industry resources, our experience, knowledge, and personalities will be just what you need for your event. While we bring all of the above qualifications to every event, we have managed to keep our prices at a level that's affordable even for those on very limited budgets.
Long after the day is over, the only way to relive the day is through your video. Make sure you have a video you will enjoy watching for years to come. Don't be tempted to go with another company based only on a lower price. I have seen people make this mistake far too often. The problem is that the lower priced video can often be so disappointing that it will be watched only once.
A high quality video full of wonderful memories to be enjoyed and shared for many years to come can become one of your most cherished and priceless possessions.
I would enjoy the opportunity to work with you and discuss your needs in person. Please call me at your convenience to arrange your private consultation. Make sure to reserve your date as early as possible.
A link to a sample of our work has been included below. This is a shortened video from a wedding and not the full video the bride and groom received. Keep in mind that the picture quality you will see is not as good as our finished tapes and DVDs since this has been highly compressed to make it available online for those with slower connections. The picture quality of the regular video and DVD we made for the client was just as good as anything seen on network TV. Use the video to get a rough idea of what we do.
I recommend you use a fast internet connection such as DSL or a Cable Modem to watch the video. If you don't have access to a high speed connection at home, you might be able to watch it from your office, a computer store, or from a library.
Thank you for your interest. If you have any problems watching the video, please call me at 1(800) 248-3234 or email me.
Please call me at your earliest convenience to see higher quality samples of our work and to reserve our services for your date.
Marcus Varona
AV Studio
1(800) 248-3234
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